I have a confession…I’m obsessed with poo.
But not my poo…Ellie’s poo. She has food intolerance’s that we (as in “me” since i am her food source) are trying to get to the bottom of. I’m 100% sure of dairy, in all forms and traces… but suspecting egg too. So I’m currently dairy free and throwing in egg-free and soy-free for fun.
How did i come to the above conclusions? Well it started when she basically had nasal congestion CONSTANTLY since about 2 weeks old. At first i thought she kept getting Amaya’s colds, as Amaya had a cold when Elliot was born, but then it just hung around for weeks and weeks and weeks, till i thought “this is not normal” to have consistent congestion for this long. I suspected dairy all along, so cut back to butter and milk in my tea…and that’s about it. But it wasn’t enough.
Once i cut out dairy completely for about 2 weeks – the congestion mysteriously disappeared. But that leads me to the other reason i suspected food intolerance’s….poo. Elliot’s poo’s are disgusting. They have mucous in them. Sometimes a little….sometimes ALOT. And they are all sorts of NON normal looking colours…like green, greeny yellow, greeny brown… and they stink….like sour sour vinegar mixed with milk (if that was a scent of something…i could imagine that Ellie’s poops smell like that). They are also very watery…sometimes so watery they soak straight into her nappy like, well water!
After 2 weeks of dairy free the mucous died down, congestion cleared and we had 1 day of NORMAL POO! she did 2 normal poos about a week ago….but then went back to her abnormal poops. I have been taking vitamins that contain dairy…and ate 2 pieces of pasta of the kids which had cheese sauce and that’s how sensitive she is! So now my motto is when in doubt don’t eat it.
So besides sending me absolutely crazy at the moment….ridden with “mother guilt” and being OVER NOT BEING ABLE TO ENJOY A CUP OF TEA, eat ice-cream, chocolate, yoghurt, CHOCOLATE, cheese, chocolate, BUTTER! …it’s turned me into a crazy obsessed freak about poo! Before we used to have a rule…whoever smells it changes it! But now i come running from wherever i am to change her poos, inspect her poos if someone else is changing it…and if i’m not around, God forbid she does a crap…well that person who happened to change that poop better be ready with a full report on the following:
- Mucous content (please be specific)
- Colour and consistency (please be specific)
- Smell (please be specific)
And if they cannot answer the above to my satisfactory detail, WATCH OUT!
Things that have skewed my “results” of elimination have been vitamins and eating a tiny ammount of food contain dairy. So starting a few days ago I begin another few weeks of complete DAIRY FREE until its completely out of my system and hers…which can take 3 weeks or more for the protein to leave me and possibly longer to leave her.
I’m hoping that due to only slipping up with the tiniest ammounts that it will not take as long to see some nice poo action. This has really thrown me since i have never had to deal with this before…and i’m pretty sure its affecting her sleep too. She gets really nasty nappy rash and can be up overnight, unable to settle properly.
I’ve finally decided to pull my finger out, so besides all this diet stuff and pulling my hair out over it all…I’ve decided to believe God for a miracle for my little one. Printing out some lovely “pins” i found on Pinterest (which i will share some below) and planning to put them up on her walls and next to my feeding chair for me to remember that God is Able and He is in control… I’m thankful that i have this hope and extremely grateful that she is thriving and happy through all this.
I can’t be the only Mumma out there that is dealing with this…or maybe you have already been there, done that. Would love to see you comment about your experience – share some “comment love” let me know i’m not alone!
Image Credits:
Soiled Air – www.collegehumor.com/picture/61599
Walk by Faith – www.bippityboppityboo.tumblr.com/post/4328433565
Blessings – www.517creations.blogspot.com/2011/07/blessings-printable.html
Be Still – www.pinterest.com/pin/68017595/
Great story with way too much poo info which is just what happens when you become a parent hey!? Somehow we become instantly fascinated with the stuff! Gareth and I experienced the poo situation of our life when Judah was 3 weeks old…..we were changing him I’m a public bathroom and he did a poo whilst I was cleaning him. It literally squirted up the wall! Being new parents, we couldn’t believe it! And it kept coming and we kept laughing uncontrollably! Without exaggeration, it was at least a 1 metre squirt!
Oh Lou….ahhahaha that’s pretty gross… haven’t experienced poo action like that! LOL
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