OK. I cannot be the only woman who has a man that loves tools. I am married to a builder so THE MAN brings home all sorts of tools almost weekly…his famous last words are “this is the last tool i’ll ever need”. He tells me this all the time.
The worst thing about THE MAN bringing home his new tools is that he insists on showing me. By the way we aren’t talking cool tech gadgets that i may be interested in, we’re talking builders tools like drills, hammer drills (is that such a tool?), nail guns etc… so i have no freaking idea how to use these things, and quite frankly I DONT WANT TO either.
But that doesn’t stop THE MAN from trying to show me his new tool. Tell me all about the tool. Tell me how he’s going to use it on the job, all the AMAAAAAZING features it has. *yawn* It’s actually quite irritating to have to pretend to be interested. He gets offended if i don’t pretend to think its the most amazing thing i’ve ever seen.
So tonight his latest tool, a $3000 thermal imagining camera, basically to seek out evidence of termites…i think. OH MY GOD he was all over the house looking taking infrared shots of everything, i mean everything. It works in the dark and he thought he was so cool looking at our sleeping kids with it. He even went outside and took pictures of the chickens…
He just wasnt feeling the “tool love” enough from me….so he actually tried to show my mother. HAHAHA like she knows whats going on! WHAT. A. TOOL.
While he’s trying to show my mum…im yelling over my shoulder…”not feeling enough tool love?”
I mean look at this guy….
So i married a tool… and i love him! xo
Hmm, men and tools, gadgets get us going, capture our imagination. These are the things that get stuff done, quicker,better,faster, yay! and they are shiny…. lol
They are handbags or shoes for men, not always needed but so cool when you ’em.
nice one dad!
well written and good experiential learning curve.
My partner is a bit of a backyard mechanic, so i also hear that little saying, “this will be the last tool i need”
How can one males need so many tools!? i give up trying to understand a long time ago hehe. 🙂
tell me about it..!
Well after 1 month or married bliss and reading your blog I think I married a tool also..its his birthday in a few days and what does he want me to get him TOOLS.. a drill to more exact.. so i think i will have to learn some listening tips from you Liza on how to show interest cause i struggle to show much interest on thinking tools are cool.. you will have to teach me.. LOL
Kath….i will train you in the ways of “pretending to be interested…” actually i’m not very good at that!! HAHAHHA you married a tradie so get used to it love!
I enjoyed your blogs Liza. This cracked me up.