I’m Back!
So much has happened since i blogged waaaaaay back in September last year…. i guess life got the better of me and now… here we are, in a new year. A quick speed-thru to up to date would look like this….
- Ethan finished Prep and starts Kindergarten this year!
- Finally saw a Pediatric Gastroenterologist for Elliot’s major poo problems… and i continue my dairy free diet, which is also now SOY FREE. She also started solids around the same time….and i must report all these changes plus believing in the Big Man upstairs to do something… well she’s going awesome. No more sloppy/diarrhea poos. No more mucous…. just normal stinky “solids” poos! Amen to that.
- Whilst at our appointment at the Sydney Childrens Hospital seeing the specialist i FINALLLLY got to thank Dr Andrew Bisits in person for delivering Elliot INTO. MY. ARMS! And get a photo of him with her that i have always wanted (after the delivery he quietly went home – it was 2am or so!! LOL and then being the busy man he is and i left fairly quickly, i never saw him again afterwards!) Isn’t it just the sweetest photo?
- I finally cashed in the Christmas present Jake bought me last Christmas – a voucher to a beginners digital SLR course through Red Balloon Days! Love love loved it and had 3 of my submitted images selected for the end of Term Top 30!
- We had an awesome family (us with my parents plus my brothers little fam) holiday away to Palm Cove, QLD 2 weeks before Christmas! (who the hell goes away 2 weeks before Christmas coming back for 1 week then Christmas!!) Well it was a welcomed break away from the rat-race for everyone for different reasons on different levels and im pretty sure we all enjoyed it!
- We have begun a cleaning, decluttering, organising rampage of our house that continues to rage on… our bedroom DONE, Amaya’s room DONE, Ethan’s room almost done which leave Elliot’s and my office space…the thought of doing my “office space” is giving me heart palpitations! I will definitely do a BEFORE then AFTER shot!!
For Christmas this year I bought Jake this GOALS book from Kikki K….then after Christmas i went out and bought one for my mother-in-law and for myself…. and its awesome! This is probably the first time in my life that i have actaully sat down and seriously thought about goals for my year…and actually put pen to paper! And i have to say it feels good! Really good.
The book starts with you assesing your values as this determines your true goals etc…then it splits into different “life” areas that you then go on to breakdown goals (Personal Development/Family & Relationships/Finance & Career/Health & Fitness/Dare to Dream)…. some random goals i will share…
Personal Development: learn to play piano (along with Ethan!). We are both going to learn piano if we hopefully get a convenient timeslot back to back with the particular piano teacher who teaches the Simply Music Method.
Health & Fitness: close my abdominal separation GAP (thanks to having large babies and being small framed) which is still about 3 finger spaces apart even though Elliot is now almost 10 months – I’ve already enrolled into an “awesome abdominals” class specifically for women/mums! Starts in Feb so i can’t wait!
These are just 2 of the many i have planned out… i highly reccomend this book, it is very inspiring.
On a more deeper note…this year i have felt in my spirit to live a more simpler life…on many levels. With our time…also not having so much “stuff” around…and begin to live a more simple life – stop buying “stuff” and collecting “stuff” that just sits around. Stop wasting money… teach my kids to be grateful for what they have, that the world SHOULD NOT just hand everything to them on a silver platter, that you have to work hard and that their dad works DAMN hard to provide for our family and we are DAMN lucky to have what we have. That money is important and shouldn’t be squandered. This reality really hits home when Christmas time comes around. Kids “these days” (OMG i sound so old!) really do get spoilt. I am looking at doing the following next Christmas thanks to a blog post which linked to an awesome blogpost i read during the Christmas season…
So for next Christmas we decided for our kids and eachother:
Something you WANT, something you NEED, something to WEAR, something to READ….and something to GIVE.
That’s it.
What is “Something to Give”? well we want to start teaching our kids to be generous and think of others at Christmas time, so we will give them a budget of $50ea and I will gather info on a few charities for different things and they decide where to donate their $50…. this is something that i know Ethan will be excited about since he is actually quite compassionate by nature.
So there….
I haven’t forgotten about my little blog experiment, and i do actually enjoy doing it when i sit down to write a post…so i will continue when i can. I haven’t forgotten about the Top 10 VBAC Tips so i will work on them when i can and upload them!
But for now, happy new year and wishing you all a blessed and prosperous year for 2012!
Hi there – just found your blog – its great. Dr Bisits delivered my baby girl in June 2010 – she was breech and I had an amazing birth experience thanks to him – what an amazing man, I truely hope he has far reaching influence within the public hospital system!
I like your philosophy around birth I believe that too many women have a traumatic time during birth and it doesn’t have to be that way. There needs to be more resources to help mums believe in the birthing process and not to fear it. Anyways keep up the good work – I’m off to Kikki K to buy a goals book – what a great idea!
Hi Nerida – He is such a lovely man isn’t he? i’m very happy he decided to move to Sydney to be closer to the action about making changes in the system. I hope that the young up and comings that he trains take on his philosophies too and that he can really make a difference in hospital care for women.