[and old post i started a few weeks back but never posted….]
(We have now completed week 3 of school!)
I am about to embark into the new season of “school mumma’! On the weekend eve of Ethan starting school this coming Tuesday… i have mixed emotions of sadness (my first born babe is growing up and GOING. TO. FREAKING. SCHOOL. HELLO!)
How the hell did this little thing….
turn into this stunning young man… i feel like i just blinked my eyes and this happened!
But also i honestly have feelings of relief too…. 3 kids at home is…a handful! (to say the least!)
I’m really looking forward to having just “the girls” at home – looking forward to spending more time with Amaya – the middle child always seems to be overlooked more by older childs needs of big things (sport, parties, surfing with dad etc etc) …or the babies needs (breastfeeds, baby is crying, baby needs a nappy change, baby needs to be picked up, baby needs to eat BABY BABY BABY). Tomorrow i get to hang out with her for hours…
So… how’s my 2012 Goals going so far…. well things seem to be relatively on track! YAY!
Piano lessons start this monday arvo for Ethan & Me!
Awesome Abdominal class (for sorting out my abdominal seperation) starts Feb 4th.
Becoming more thrifty…well…deep breaths all you mumma’s… I’ve converted to CLOTH NAPPIES! since i already do a load of washing a day the extra work aint that bad, and after reading about how much land fill disposables actually cause. Did you know: “One baby can get through 5,000 disposable nappies before they are fully toilet trained and each of those nappies can take 500 years to decompose in landfill, while leaching yukky chemicals and releasing methane” taken from the “Bambooty” website where i have bought my nappies from! I have dabbled in attempting to use cloth with Ethan and Amaya but i just could not get my head around it…the extra work etc etc but this time around its surprisingly easy, cloth nappies have come a long way these days, since i was a baby in my terry flats. I still haven’t decided about whether i will use them out and about (although its pretty easy to i think) but definitely cloth full time at home…even overnight. The night nappies are working…no leaks so far in my cutey “bambootys”!
I also scored a bargain on EBAY this week… i’ve been lusting over Stokke Tripp Trapp chairs for my little brood for like forever but they are just slightly out of my price range at oh $349 (eeeek!)…. but i’m guessing that the patent on the awesome Norwegian design must up or something? because EBAY and the like is now flooded with copies without the European price tag! I picked up this “used” little baby for $20! Yes thats right it cost me $20 and a drive out to Seven Hills to pick it up. Needless to say Amaya loved it… and Ethan was jealous!
I’m looking at buying Ethan one for the dining table and also one for his school desk in his room….and maybe Elliot one since the copy versions include a tray…
Will update soon on our first few weeks of school….
Any other first time school mumma’s out there? how have the first few weeks been for you all….
Yep – my eldest started school three weeks ago too. She seems to be settling in, and we seem to have sorted out the new schedule – its weird having to go back to “school” schedules – I thought we got to turn our backs on that all those years ago when we finished school. But here we are right back there with our lives based around school terms! On the plus side she is enjoying it and making new friends!
I have two trip trap chairs – My 4.5year old still uses hers and my 1.5yr old loves hers too. They are great aren’t they – such a fantastic design. I’m about to make some new cushions for mine as they get pretty filthy.
I began using reusable nappies from the start with my eldest (although we have always used one disposable at night time) and my 2nd daughter has used them throughout too. So all that money I spent at the start has really come into its own – and really they aren’t that much extra work except when we have weeks of rain and they take days to dry – I don’t have a dryer). We have saved so much money using reusables, not to mention all that landfill. My daycare happily uses them too.
So how did you find your independent midwife? Thinking about getting one for #3 if we are lucky enough to get a #3!
Nerida – wow… great minds think alike huh?
I found my midwife through google!! i called one who wasnt too keen in supporting a hospital birth (much rather support only homebirths – then called betty next who was fantastic on the phone, happy to answer all my questions without trying to get me to meet her etc…. she also still works in the hospital system part time only in the birthing unit which i really like since it meant she was upto date with hospital politics especially with regards to VBAC and VBA2c (her mum due straight after me was a successful VBA3c! at the Royal with Dr Bisits too!)