Dear Elliot… this past week gone you turned 1! March 22nd, 2011 you were born and given straight into my arms…what an experience! Your birthday marks a monumental achievement for me…so your birthday is extra special to my heart.
This past year has been…a beautiful crazy chaos! It has been a FULL year…. with many firsts…my first natural birth! Dealing with food intolerance issues, non-sleeping through the night baby till approx 2 weeks before your birthday!??? What’s up with that!? Ethan starting kindy…
You have grown into a beautiful “almost” toddler… but being so tiny you are still such a little baby (much to the delight of your dad and I!) Whilst your beautiful cousin Chanel, who is only 2 weeks older than you, has taken off running already and chatting away with new words tumbling out of her mouth…you have still remained a baby… and WE LOVE IT! We get to relish in this baby season a few more months…weeks…who knows? Since we already have a 5yo and 3yo we know too well that time flies and before we know it you will be all grown up like your big brother! So we really love the fact that you are our little baby girl…. your tiny frame is misleading but your face gives away your age as you have a quiet maturity to you…i have dubbed you our quiet “thoughtful” achiever…. you are extremely detailed, noticing the tiniest of things and amused with such. I often joke with your dad that you are going to be an architect since you are so detailed at such a young age…nothing gets past you.
You are extremely affection to those you love and hold dear….so we all get to savour in the cuddles you so freely give out still, especially your dad. You are our most affectionate one yet at such a young age.
You love your big brother and sister dearly, wanting to see them and be with them the moment you hear them and they in return LOVE YOU. Often fighting who gets to sit next to you when they eat… (GO figure!?)
We love everything about you…your little signature “duck face”… that annoying noise you make when you want something because you have not learned many words yet…the funny way you nod “yes” but it looks like a mish mash of body jerking and yes and no all at once…the way you are totally happy to be carried around all day…the way you crawl up to us and rest your head on our leg all the time just “checking in” to give us a cuddle (daddy loves this especially!).
We thank God for choosing you from heaven to send down to us…entrusting us to raise and guide you in the way you should go in this life.
Much love to you on your birthday my beautiful Ellie…
Mumma loves you xo
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