Birth Story Part 2. (Part 1 can be found here)
The car trip into the hospital was….interesting. To say the least.
I honestly thought that the trip / change of scenery during labour would actually stall it or perhaps just help it back down a bit since we had to drive 30 minutes from our place into Randwick where the hospital was.
But no. It didn’t. AT ALL.
There was NO DAMN WAY i was going to sit strapped down in the seat (much to Jake’s horror!) i angled the front seat back and loaded pillows down and i faced the seat back hugging the seat head – cursing all the way through contractions, then resting down on the pillows.
As we traveled down the M5 motorway through the 80km speed zones of road works (God knows what speed we were actually doing??) – it was around 12.30pm… we get off the freeway and hit the streets and this is where Jake asks me where to go…WHAT THE!? then his GPS takes him THE BACK STREET WAY WITH THE MOST RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF LIGHTS AND CORNERS!!!!!! Even i could tell we were not going the straight forward way that i usually went for my hospital appointments. I’m freaking out asking him where the hell is he taking us???! Could he have taken the way with THE MOST amount of corners and traffic lights possible. I WAS SO MAD that he didn’t even know where to go – that he needed his GPS! I kept asking him where are we? This isn’t the way! Why are there so many FREAKING corners???
If felt like eternity driving through the backstreets. We finally make it into the hospital – where he asks me if i want to be dropped off at the front lobby or we park and go together. As far as i was along in labour, i was too scared to be left laboring while he parked and then caught up with me. So i said lets park… all the while contracting every 5 mins or so.
Finding the parking spot closest to the lift. CONTRACTION
Trying to get out of the car. CONTRACTION
Walking to the lift. CONTRACTION
Getting in the lift. CONTRACTION
Getting out of the lift – CONTRACTION – i panic as i don’t want to be stuck in the lift as the doors begin to close, I’m wobbling in a panic and then brace myself outside the lift doors. CONTRACTION
Front lobby. We wait a few minutes for Betty and then she arrives. She lets me know that she has rang Dr Bisits and he knows we’re on! RELIEF… we head to the birthing unit.
Now i really really really wanted a waterbirth this FINAL time around – and i really wanted the back room (cosy corner i think they refer it too? away from the nurses station) with the blow-up birth pool not some tiny little excuse for a bath. Our assigned hospital midwife informs me that those rooms are unavailable and we get put into the “tiny bath” room!…. me thinks that they had read my yellow card and it screamed HIGH ALERT HIGH RISK!! and put me closest to the nurses station. Oh well, i didn’t care. I’ve done this before… this is a walk the park right? RIGHT?
BUT we made it. Britt (the birth photographer) arrives shortly after…i think? when did you arrive Britt!?? LOL
Anyway…this was it – there was no turning back now.
Love it.
The part 3 link of your second VBAC is missing. Huhu i am missing the last portion of your wonderful story. I am trying to do my first VBAC due on 09/05 this year. Your blog really keeps me going and the tips we’re great.