I am a closet hippy Mama – I say this because I don’t think that I don’t look like the typical “hippy mum”. You won’t find me prancing around in a rainforest, nude holding my naked child with a beautiful floral wreath on my head – rocking a smoking hot tanned body to boot, even though I wish it were me.
Those close to me would know I am very much a natural sort of Mama. My kids are bare feet a lot which rarely bothers me. I don’t shy away from germs like that as I believe exposure helps build a great immune system. I had 2 cesareans before bucking the mainstream system and having 2 natural births after 2 cesareans. You can read my birth stories here.
I mainly use natural therapies, vitamins, herbs and essential oils to treat myself and my family of all sorts ailments. I have done so all my kids’ lives – before it was the “hipster” thing to do *wink wink*. My dad calls me the family witch doctor! I am in fact so hardcore on the hypothetical natural mama scale (if there was one) that none of my kids have ever been vaccinated and they have never taken antibiotics…
Wait, actually that’s not true – when my eldest was about 18 months I started him on a course but took him off after a day.
Don’t get me wrong – I really believe antibiotics and pharmaceutical medications have their place, but I am also of the belief that they are far too prescribed when a good diet, rest and support from natural alternatives can do the job and not harm the rest of the body in the process of healing and in all my years of parenting so far – we just haven’t needed them.
I am also the type of parent that does not push my agenda on anyone – I believe that this parenting gig is hard enough without some other mama preaching from their soapbox about how you should parent. I don’t advertise loudly the way I do things with my kids – but I am certainly open to talking about what has worked for me and let you take from that what you will. No guilt or emotion attached, and I am also happy to agree to disagree (take vaccinations for example) – I believe we each know what’s best for our own kids and nobody has a right to tell you what to decide for your own kids. There are different ways to support our bodies – I have successfully treated all sorts of childhood ailments; ear infections, colds & flu, tooth abscesses, croup, infections, anxiety, gastro….all with essential oils, herbs, vitamins & probiotics etc. I have found a lovely holistic GP that is in tune with my way of health practices and a dentist who is understanding of my non-fluoride ways LOL. My health approach is holistic and that treating one small issue usual involves a myriad of different things – not just a magic pill from the doctor.

This also is not me LOL
For those Mama’s out there who are wanting to move closer to a more natural way of doing things but you are overwhelmed with all the information…its ok – start small. You don’t have to go completely cold turkey! Our little tribe is probably 80% ‘healthy’ most of the time. I am so happy that being health conscious and looking at natural alternatives is becoming way more mainstream now – heck I love that I can get kombucha from the servo! It’s a great time to make the switch and start making more healthy choices. And that’s all it is – making a better choice. Want to try out essential oils? There are so many people now informing and selling – ask around or jump on social media. Start to read food labels and avoid numbers or words you don’t even know what they are. Buy organic/biodynamic/pesticide free when you can. Organic meat is now readily available in most Coles and Woolies. Switch out your bathroom products as you run out of your current stuff for low tox alternatives readily available as well from Coles and Woolies – I love and use A LOT of the ECOSTORE stuff from woollies. From their Shampoo & Conditioner to laundry powder. Our skin is our biggest organ and it readily absorbs what we use on it. You can even get fantastic low tox makeup and beauty stuff. I will link to stuff below of things I have tried and tested. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this.
My personal natural beauty must have’s:
I buy my stuff from the awesome natural beauty site: Beautiful Because. – use this link and if you want to try something and be sure to sign up to get 15% off your first order!
They are worth a look as they offer plenty of samples for you to try before forking out on a full bottle only to find its not a great match or you just don’t like it!
Tinted moisturiser – Madara SUNFLOWER tinted moisturiser as mentioned when my gorgeous sister of another mister interviewed me – Check out Krystal Brooke’s VLOG post here.
Low Tox Household: There are plenty of DIY recipes online but if that isn’t your style or you find that all a bit intimidating then I totally love, use and recommend the Ecostore range which is readily available at Woolies – Dishwash liquid, Dishwash powder, laundry liquid, laundry powder, shampoo & conditioner (kids only)
Vitamins & Herbs / Natural snacks – I love and have used IHerb for years! Use this code: IZA373 to get 5% off and 10% off their house brands! These are just a few staples I order regularly… I’ve popped them all in a shopping cart here for you to see them all in one place. Iherb is a fantastic site – with plenty of reviews on products and reasonable pricing. They have specials all the time with things extra 10% off on rotation.
Vitamin C Powder – my naturopath recommended this one
Yummy Earth Lolly pops
Kids Toothpaste – tried and tested on my 5yo upto 12yo and they all love this yummy berry tasting natural toothpaste!
Adult Toothpaste – finally settled on this toothpaste after trying a lot! Same brand as the kids but minty for adults
Hand Sanitiser – using the power of essential oils and small enough to take on board an aeroplane in a convenient 30ml bottle. A great size for your handbag too!
Himalayan Soap Bar – I use this as my own shampoo then rinse my hair with a jug of water with a splash of apple cider vinegar
Garlic Powder – kitchen staple
Lip Balm
Jojoba Oil – use for hair and body
Calendula Oil – mix with Jojoba oil, great for dry skin
Herbal Mouthwash – my man loves this especially
Activated Charcoal – a must have to treat gastro (also great too take when you’ve had a big night – take before you go to bed to help the morning after **wink wink**)
Body Butter cream – great for dry skin
Spicy Pepita’s – I add them to salads all the time or they make a great snack on their own.
I hope this post has helped somebody and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions regarding being a Natural Mama.
Much love…