Birth Story Part 2. (Part 1 can be found here) The car trip into the hospital was….interesting. To say the least. I honestly thought that the trip / change of scenery during labour would actually stall it or perhaps just help it back down a bit since we had to drive 30 minutes from…
Friday Finds
I love Etsy. Its a treasure trove of handmade goodness! I have frequently bought from there (hmmmm maybe i’ll create a post of all the things i’ve bought from there!) …its a 24/7 handmade market all from the comfort of your own home (or comfort of your feeding chair at 3 am like me!). So…
Dear Elliot
Dear Elliot… this past week gone you turned 1! March 22nd, 2011 you were born and given straight into my arms…what an experience! Your birthday marks a monumental achievement for me…so your birthday is extra special to my heart. This past year has been…a beautiful crazy chaos! It has been a FULL year…. with many firsts…my first…
2012…how’s it going?
[and old post i started a few weeks back but never posted….] (We have now completed week 3 of school!) I am about to embark into the new season of “school mumma’! On the weekend eve of Ethan starting school this coming Tuesday… i have mixed emotions of sadness (my first born babe is…
Happy New Year!
I’m Back! Wow! So much has happened since i blogged waaaaaay back in September last year…. i guess life got the better of me and now… here we are, in a new year. A quick speed-thru to up to date would look like this…. Ethan finished Prep and starts Kindergarten this year! Finally saw a…