Amaya on the toilet the other morning… Amaya: The poo is taking a long time…it wants to play with its toys! Me: It’s toys? Amaya: Yeah in its home, that’s why it’s taking so long
my blog haitus…
For those hanging around looking for a latest post…I am still here. Just dealing with a sick household plus sleeping issues with baby (or lack of sleep more like it!), it’s been a long few weeks! I am working on the VBAC tips and hoping to starting posting/publishing them ASAP…so hang in there i am…
so i married a TOOL
OK. I cannot be the only woman who has a man that loves tools. I am married to a builder so THE MAN brings home all sorts of tools almost weekly…his famous last words are “this is the last tool i’ll ever need”. He tells me this all the time. The worst thing about THE…