Some more food for thought…the following are the success rates of VBAC’s (according to Homebirth Australia): 6.7% Private Hospital VBAC Success rate (NSW) 16.2% Public Hospital VBAC Success rate (NSW) 80-90% Private midwives VBAC Success rate Most women will likely birth in a hospital – i had my successful VBAC in hospital, a public hospital…
VBAC VBA2C Natural Birth After Cesarean
VBAC Tip #2 – Support Support Support!
Choose your caregivers wisely. It will really make a difference. If you are serious about achieving a VBAC then it will be worth while seeking out some sort of VBAC support. This is was the biggest factor for me. This was the reason i failed at my VBAC attempt first time around with Amaya,…
VBAC Tip #1 – Believe in Yourself!
Believe in yourself. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. I remember the first time i planned for a VBAC when i was pregnant with Amaya. I thought i knew my stuff. Read all the facts on uterine rupture risks, birthing positions etc…. i naively thought that hiring a private OB would help me get what…
10 tips that helped my successful VBAC
A girlfriend asked me about sending over my link to my birth story for her niece who is going for a VBAC any day now…this inspired me to write this post to encourage those who stumble across this site and are looking at wanting a natural birth after cesarean. Here are some tips that helped…
So i made a human…VBA2C birth story (part 3 – FINAL)
I have written My Birth story across a few posts….Part 1 can be found here and Part 2 can be found here. March 13th – Due date comes…..and goes…so very uneventful (much to my dismay – as every mumma knows you are just OVER IT at the end.) What are you doing in there anyway…