The story continues…. Part 1 can be found here. I hired Betty Vella, an independent midwife from Gymea… a veteran midwife! She was one of the attending midwives to the twin homebirth of Justine Caines who was the president of the Maternity Coalition and also secretary of Homebirth Australia. She was perfect for me. She…
VBAC VBA2C Natural Birth After Cesarean
VBAC / VBA2C birth story…(part 1)
Where do I begin the story of my journey to a VBAC? Ethan was born in 2006 I was very naive towards birth and the whole process. I thought the public hospital classes were enough to get me through the delivery…but OH MY GOD the pain! The suffering…. I had no idea what was happening…
a life less ordinary…
So more about me? My life at the momment is a beautiful chaos! ….that would be the best description. I’ve been married to my husband Jake for over 6 years. We married young…I was 22 years old. 8 months in we had an “unplanned” momment and Ethan our first born was conceived! Lucky for us,…